I've also been seeing a chiropractor as a result of my therapist asking me last week what step I would take for self-care. I've been suffering back pain for months now and relying heavily on over the counter pain meds and prescription muscle relaxants to get me through each day and night. After only 3 treatments and some pretty hefty nutritional supplements (Perhaps going vegetarian was not the best for me?), I am nearly pain free. Well, maybe not pain free, but I have not needed any pain meds for 2 days now.
As for my beloved Marine, he has been seriously engaging in his ACT therapy and has accepted that he is doing something valuable with his time and life with learning to "stay present" and live each moment alive to his feelings not stuffing, avoiding, or escaping. I've seen tremendous movement the past week. He also set a goal of walking miles each week. Last week he logged 13 miles and this week he hopes to beat that with the aide of new shoes and orthodics which have relieved much of his back pain.
We're not far down this path yet, but there is noticeable progress, for which I am very grateful.