Thursday, May 27, 2010

Happy Day

Yes! We had one yesterday. Jeff felt well throughout the day with only one bought of dizziness in the middle of the day. At least, that's all that he told me about. He spent time with our beloved Pastor, Josh Butler, talking missions. He came home so encouraged.

We also stepped things up in our transition to America and got a 37" LED flat screen TV from rewards we've earned from our Credit Union. Now we can see the small print on the screen from our chairs. Are we getting old or what?! No need to comment more on that note.

As for me, I had 3 delightful and encouraging telephone chats with ladies I love. One called specifically to pray with me over the phone and the other wanted to know how our home community can care for us without causing us more stress. I feel loved and cared for with another dear friend, JK, from Uganda days sending me a lovely e-mail to encourage us.

Today I got to take Dylan and Kim to the airport as they launch their vacation/second honeymoon to France. We talked of things they plan to do and see. It is great to see how stress free they were as they had organized well, thanks to Kim's great gifting.

Today seems so much brighter than yesterday thanks to all our family and friends. Reminds me that indeed God is present with us and hears our cries not necessarily for what we want when we want it but in bringing loving people alongside when we most need them.